Batman is rich, powerful and feared amongst all wrong
doers but there are some villains or so called super-villains who can match
batman in a fight. They have won several times and caused him pain which even
time cannot heal. So I have compiled a list of legendary Batman nemesis based
on their madness by creating havoc in Gotham and Bruce Wayne’s life.
5) Scarecrow
He instills fear on minds
of people by his fear gas; Batman has been prey to his plans on several counts.
He has killed many innocents on his way and is associated with major terror
Name – Scarecrow
Real name - Jonathan
When first appeared?
World's Finest Comics #3 in 1941
How many issues
has he appeared?
495+ issues
What are his
other names?
The Sinister Scarecrow
Ichabod Crane
Master of Fear
The Sinister Scarecrow
Ichabod Crane
Master of Fear
Physical characters -
Gender - Male
Height - 6' 0"
Weight - 140 lbs (64 kg)
Hair - Brown
Other stats -
Relatives - Karen Crane (mother), unknown grandmother (deceased),unknown
father, unknown sister (deceased?)
Base of Operations - Gotham City
Citizenship - American
Marital Status - Single
Occupation - Professional Criminal; former Professor of Psychology
Education - Gotham University
Who created?
He was created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane.
How did he become a villain?
He had a troubled childhood as he was born out of wedlock
and his friends used to call him names like Ichabod and Scarecrow. He was
abused by his great grandmother as his mother left him ; soon he became fan of The
Legend of Sleepy Hollow and considered Ichabod the main character his idol. He
even innovated ‘violent dancing’ a blend of Kung Fu and dancing. When he was 17
he liked a girl Sherry Squires; Bo Griggs and Sherry play a prank on Crane as
she guides him into a dark room and Griggs wears a Jack O'Lantern mask like
antagonist Brom Bones from The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. He thus has grudge
on bullies and his family for his lost childhood.
Who was he?
He got no love or
care as a child and was victim of abuse and taunts both in family and outside
world. He was weak and so was bullied by almost all students in school. He was
called names and children used to throw stone at him. He did swear to avenge
his abuse.
Who is he now?
During Blackest
Nights as the Black Latern Corps are destroying Gotham he goes outside to feel
fear but cannot as the fear gas had its toll on his emotions. He cannot feel 5
emotional conditions and fear is one of them. He gets into Sinestro Corps to
fight against Black Latern but his joy is short as Lex Luther takes his ring.
He kidnaps and starts murdering college interns working for LexCorp during
Brightest Day. He is stopped by Robin and Batgirl and is taken to Arkham. He is
freed as Deathstroke and Titans break into Arkham Asylum.
What are his abilities?
Chemical genius –
he is a skillful chemist and is evident as he developed ‘fear toxin’.
Expert fighter –
he has his style of fighting technique wherein a mix of Kung Fu and dancing is
involved called as ‘violent dancing’.
Phobia expert – he
has immense knowledge in psychology and knows about all kinds of phobia.
Healer – he has
treated many patients in Arkham Asylum.
Scarebeast – he
turns into a monster with high endurance and strength.
What are his most notable crimes?
1) At 18 he causes
an automobile accident in which he kills Sherry Squires and paralyses Bo
2) He later kills
many innocents as he finds pleasure in frightening innocents till death.
3) He murders his
grandmother and tries to kill his sister.
4) He kills psychology
professor Avram Bramowitz and takes over psychology department in Gotham University
and gives importance to study of phobia.
5) He was dismissed as he fired a bullet at a flower pot
in classroom to demonstrate fear in human body; he turns his life into a criminal
and thus kills everyone responsible for his dismissal.
6) Columbus Day Massacre of Gotham’s mob bosses were
carried by a team of super-villains in which he was a member.
What are his weapons?
He has his fear
toxin and had yellow power ring.
What are his weaknesses?
He has phobia of
birds as in childhood they attacked him.
How does he Transport?
He does not have a
specific vehicle.
Who portrayed him in films?
Batman Triumphant
– Nicolas Cage or Steve Buscemi would have played Scarecrow if this sequel to
Batman and Robin was developed. Scarecrow along with Harley Quinn supposedly
was to be played by Madonna would bring Joker back to life by use of fear gas
according to Joel Schumacher. This was shelved as Batman and Robin was panned
by critics.
Nolan’s trilogy– played by Cillian Murphy.
4) Ra’s Al Ghul
He believes in making world a better place to live in and
will resort to any atrocity to achieve it. He is father of Talia al Ghul and
father-in-law of Batman.
He is immortal and has vast lifetime experience to make
him Batman’s mightiest of enemies. He will commit assassination and terrorize the world to achieve his goals.
Name - Ra’s Al Ghul
Real Name - Unknown
When first appeared?
Batman #232 in June 1971
How many issues
has he appeared?
400+ issues
What are his
other names?
The Demon's Head
Terry Gene Kase
Henri Ducard
Messiah Of The Crimson Sun
Terry Gene Kase
Henri Ducard
Messiah Of The Crimson Sun
Physical characters –
Gender – Male
Height – 6’4”
Weight – 215lbs (98kg)
Eyes – green
Hair - grey (with a white streak
on both sides)
Other stats -
Relatives – The Sensei (father),Sora (1st wife, deceased),Melisande
(2nd wife, deceased), white Ghost(Dusan Al Ghul) (son), Talai Al Ghul (daughter), Nyssa Raatko (daughter), Robin (Damian Wayne) (grandson)
Citizenship – Egyptian American
(under a false alias in Arkham)
Marital Status - Widowed
Occupation - Eco Terrorist,
Businessman, Cult Leader
Education - Unknown
Who created?
Ra's al Ghul was
created by Dennis O'Neil and Neal Adams.
How did he become a
He saves a dying Prince by Lazarus pit but the
Prince kills his wife and the King imprisons him with his wife’s corpse for his
son’s evil deeds. He escapes the prison with a boy’s help and return to his
tribe as his uncle is their King. They plot a plan by using his immense
knowledge in germ research they give an infected fabric to the Prince and
making him ill; King comes in their tribe for help and he executes both the
King and Prince. He kills everyone in the city and declares himself as ‘The
Demon's Head’.
Who was he?
He was born 600
years ago in a nomad tribe where there was no opportunity for him to expand his
knowledge in field of science; so he goes to the city and marries Sora.
Who is he now?
It is because of Lazarus pit that he is immortal but his
daughter Nyssa injures him and then stabs through his heart. Dying Ra’s reveals
that it was his plan to make his daughters unite and be head of ‘The Demons’.
Damian was used to be a portal for Ra’s resurrection and they go to Nanda
Prabhat a place like Lazarus pit having Fountain of Essence. The temple is
under attack from Sensei (Ra's al Ghul
father) and after duel with him Batman finally emerges victorious. Ra's al Ghul returns to Gotham and makes it
his new base of operation. Batman under the false identity of ‘Terry Gene
Kasse’ along with forged medical and police records takes an unconscious Ra's
al Ghul to Arkham Asylum as the documents reveal of him being a prisoner with
multiple personality disorder and being sentenced to life imprisonment. It is
told later that he escapes from Arkham.
What are his abilities?
Immortal – Lazarus pit has extended his life span.
Combater – he has used his life and wealth in learning
various fighting techniques making him superior to Batman in duel.
Swordsmanship – he is excellent with swords
Alchemy – he is intellect in field of Alchemy.
Extended power – he has advanced speed, durability,
strength and stamina because of Lazarus pit.
Strategist – he plans months and years ahead before
executing his works.
Multilingual – he knows major languages in world apart
from various Indian languages.
What are his most notable crimes?
1) He is called as
‘Demon’s Head’ as he kills everyone in the old city after killing the King and
2) He kills the boy with whose help he escaped earlier
from prison.
3) He plans a worldwide genocide in ‘Contagion’.
4) His organization unleashes a deadly virus known as
‘Ebola Gulf’ in Gotham City.
What are his weapons?
He is not shown with weapons but with his servant Ubu an
expert fighter.
What are his weaknesses?
He needs Lazarus pit to power himself which might turn
out to be his biggest weakness.
How does he Transport?
He is wealthy and has aircrafts and cars for locomotion.
Who portrayed him in films?
Batman Begins - played by Liam Neeson who is like a
father to Bruce Wayne.
The Dark Knight Rises – will be played by Josh Pence
What are his memorable quotes?
"The only thing that thrives outside these walls are
the six billion shortsighted parasites who continue to ravage our planet’s
natural resources. On its own humanity is a destructive force. It needs a
“Detective, as you know, I am cursed with a love for
emptiness desolation. It is a beauty to which my soul responds as pure as
untainted as the deserts of my birth. I deem it my mission to purify this
planet to restore it to its former beauty a mission I will brook no
interference in."
"Everything I have done, I do for the greater
"Whoever said a picture was worth a thousand words
is about to see just how badly he miscounted."
3) Bane
He is known as for causing physical damages to Batman
which only a few were able to do. He is shown to be powerful than Batman even
without his Venom steroid. He is one of the few people knowing Batman’s secret
Name - Bane
Real Name - Unknown
When first appeared?
- Batman: Vengeance of Bane #1
How many issues has he appeared?
-330+ issues in January 1993
What are his other names?
The Man who “Broke the Bat”
Physical characters -
Gender - Male
Height - 6' 8"
Weight - 350 lbs (159 kg)
Eyes - Brown
Hair - Brown
Other stats -
Relatives - Edmund Dorrance (father),
Mother (unnamed, deceased)
Base of Operations - Gotham City
Citizenship - Santa Priscan
Marital Status - Single
Occupation - Professional Criminal
Who created?
Bane was created
by Chuck Dixon, Doug Moench, and Graham Nolan
How did he become a villain?
He was subject of test for a drug named as
Venom which had killed all the other subjects. He is saved by a near death
experience and his physical strength is increased but he needs to take Venom
every 12 hours through cables connected to his brain.
Who was he?
He was prisoner of his father’s crime and so
was his mother. His mother died and he was left with a teddy bear named Osito
at the age of 6. He was an excellent learner and used the prison gym to
maintain his physique.
Who is he now?
He escapes from Peña Duro prison and goes to Gotham as he wanted a
face-off with Batman. He breaks the wall of Arkham Asylum and sets Joker,
Two-face, the Scarecrow, the Mad- Hatter , Zsasz free. He waits for Batman in
Wayne Manor and breaks Batman’s back in Batcave thus leaving Batman paraplegic;
he gets to be known as ‘The man who Broke Bat’. Sometimes he is shown as a
person with good intentions as he saves a child and strived hard against the
usage of drugs in his homeland.
What are his abilities?
Superhuman strength - he has
immense power to that of a superhuman and healing abilities because of the
Venom discharged by the cables. He can lift about 2 tons and sometimes 3 tons
driving him insane for a brief period. He has broken backs of Batman and Killer
Super speed – with Venom he can
run as fast as any man can.
Genius – in his days in prison
he read almost every book and has deep knowledge in various fields thus
becoming one of the most intelligent foes of Batman.
Super durability – he can
endure pain of any kind .
Healing ability – he can heal
his body after bullet hits and explosion; he can also fight dangerous diseases.
Legendary Warrior – he can
almost fight till the end of his opponent.
Recall ability – he can recall
any events in his life thus being a disciplined student and fighter.
No College – without going to
college he studied book on various subjects and has knowledge in par with that
of an expert.
Multilingual – he knows at most
10 major languages.
Escapist – he escapes through the prison and
helps other escape.
Great combater – he is an
expert in hand to hand combat like Lady Shiva or Batman.
War strategist – he has planned
various War.
Sustain without Venom – over
the years he has developed a skill to be a force to reckon without use of
What are his most notable crimes?
1) He killed a man at the age of 8 as the man wanted
information to escape from prison.
2) He broke Batman’s back and thus established
himself superior to Bat.
3) He had a fight with Captain America and was
going to break his back but the latter’s shield hit Bane’s head thus saving
4) He was shown as a dictator as takes control
of his homeland.
What are his weapons?
Venom tube is the path of injecting Venom into brain
which is attached to his wrist. He can make any amount of Venom from air and
quickly turn into steroids. He can control the intake amount of Venom to his
What are his weaknesses?
Dependence on Venom is his major drawback as an over amount of
Venom can make him go on an uncontrolled rampage.
Who portrayed him in films?
Batman and Robin Movie – played by Robert Swenson in this
he gets beaten by Batgirl and Robin; he barely speaks in this movie as he
growls more.
The Dark
Knight Rises – will be played by Tom Hardy.
What are his memorable quotes?
“Perhaps I merely wanted to help. Perhaps my heart two sizes
one day; the heart is simply a muscle no. Who is to say what my venom can do?”
“You know nothing of strength, little boy. I
know strength. Such as the strength that comes from numbers. And the strength
one gains from knowing his enemy's weaknesses. Checkmate. ”
“For Batman I break you, Thorne! Scream his
name that he may hear you. ”
“You will know my one day and on that day you will beg
for mercy. You will scream my name. SCREAM IT”
2) Two-face
One of the most dreaded criminal minds in Gotham and
Batman’s arch enemy. You feel sympathy about the acid incident and so does
Batman because he couldn’t save Harvey; that is the reason he is a lethal
weapon against Batman.
Name - Two-Face
Real Name - Harvey Dent
When he first appeared?
- Detective Comics #66 in August 1942
How many issues has he appeared?
- 650+ issues
What are his other names?
Gotham's Protector
The Holiday
Handsome Harvey
Big Bad Harv
Gotham's White Knight
Harvey Kent
Binary Star
The Double Man
Mr. Apollo
Mr. Dionysus
Double Dog
Mister Dent
Duke of Duality
Gotham's Protector
The Holiday
Handsome Harvey
Big Bad Harv
Gotham's White Knight
Harvey Kent
Binary Star
The Double Man
Mr. Apollo
Mr. Dionysus
Double Dog
Mister Dent
Duke of Duality
Physical characters -
Gender - Male
Height - 6' 0"
Weight - 182 lbs (83 kg)
Eyes - Blue
Hair - Brown
Other stats –
Relatives -Gilda Dent (ex-wife), Christopher Dent (father), unnamed mother (deceased), Murray
Dent (brother, deceased)
Base of Operations - Gotham City
Citizenship - American
Marital Status - Divorced
Occupation - Criminal; former Gotham District Attorney
Education - Law School
Who created?
Bob Kane and Bill Finger
How did he become a villain?
Mafia boss Sal Maroni threw acid at Harvey thus half of
his face being scarred. With this
incident he developed a dual personality. It was shown differently in the movie
‘The Dark Knight’ as it is Joker planning to kill Harvey and his fiancée.
Who was he?
He was the D.A.
of Gotham City and Batman’s supporter.
Who is he now?
He is a dangerous
criminal as he has to deal with dual personality. He flips the coin and does
whatever the coin commands. He does crime at time 22.22(military time) which is
10.22 pm and uses .22 automatic; this is his obsession with number 2. He was
once a crusader of justice and fierce than batman in implementing that.
But sometimes he does good deeds as his coin flips in
good Harvey’s favor.
Many times his face was under the knife but still did not
change his deeds.
What are his abilities?
1) Combat - He is good in hand to hand combat, Kung- Fu
and detective work as Batman trained him.
2) Law - He knows law like no one else in Gotham being a
former district attorney.
3) Underworld - He has underworld friends and is often
shown as being powerful than the Penguin.
4) Sharp shooter - He is a sharp shooter as Deathstroke
the Terminator trained him.
What are his most notable crimes?
1) Batman fired Dick Grayson or Robin I because of him.
2) He hires Crime Doctor to kidnap Paul Sloane an actor
and scar his face.
What are his weapons?
semi-automatic pistols, Sniper rifle, Knives, Rocket launchers and poison
gases, and many more
What are his weaknesses?
It is his coin
which guides him to commit a crime or not to; Batman has stopped him several
times by making him a mere pawn.
How does he Transport?
He has used many channels of escape but the most prominent one is
a vehicle with one side pained green and the other white indicating his dual
Batman - he is played by Billy Dee Williams.
Batman Forever – he appears as one of the major villains in this
film, alongside the Riddler; he is played by
Tommy Lee Jones. Tommy lee Jones fails in capturing Two- faces’ craft in
The Dark Knight – he is
portrayed in the right intensity by Aaron Eckhart.
What are his memorable quotes?
“I tossed my coin on it and you guys lost. That makes me
a good guy for now.”
“Heads or
tails, it was a no-win situation tonight, pop”
“I’m sure he'll understand
about the greater good and the choice you had to make and all that. My question
is will you ever really?
“Two-Face Usually,
it's Harvey. Don't tell me you've given up on my better half, Batman “
“So this coin just told me to
give it to you. I've got to get my old one back this one's a pain. ”
“You said
it yourself, lady. Batman made every one of us.”
“Two faces just like this mirror. Two faces and two minds
can’t fix them until they’re one right ?right?”
1) Joker
He is the main worry for Batman as his motivations are
still not clear. He is known as Clown prince of crime. His style lies in his
madness and attire. He had many chance of killing Batman but he didn’t as he
considers Batman to be his only and worthy opponent.
Name - Joker
Real Name - Depends on his current psychosis
When first appeared?
- Batman #1 in 1940
How many issues has he appeared?
What are his other names?
Clown Prince of
Harlequin of Hate
King of Arkham Asylum
Public Enemy #1
Ace of Knaves
Thin White Duke of Death
Jack Napier
Mr. Rekoj
Nemesis of The Knight
The Bandit
Mr. Face Paint
Patient 0
Patient 223
Red Hood
Joe White
Jocund Jack of All Crimes
Agent of Chaos
Mr. J
Joe Kerr
Melvin White
Jack White
Oberon Sexton
The Gravedigger
The Domino Killer
Funny Man
Clown Prince of Chaos
Harlequin of Havoc
Mephistopheles of Mirth
Man of a Thousand False Fronts
The Man Who Laughs
Johnny Jape
Harlequin of Hate
King of Arkham Asylum
Public Enemy #1
Ace of Knaves
Thin White Duke of Death
Jack Napier
Mr. Rekoj
Nemesis of The Knight
The Bandit
Mr. Face Paint
Patient 0
Patient 223
Red Hood
Joe White
Jocund Jack of All Crimes
Agent of Chaos
Mr. J
Joe Kerr
Melvin White
Jack White
Oberon Sexton
The Gravedigger
The Domino Killer
Funny Man
Clown Prince of Chaos
Harlequin of Havoc
Mephistopheles of Mirth
Man of a Thousand False Fronts
The Man Who Laughs
Johnny Jape
Physical characters -
Gender - Male
Height - 6' 0"
Weight - 160 lbs (73 kg)
Eyes - Green
Hair - Green
Skin - White
Other stats -
Relatives - Rumored to have had a wife and daughter, both deceased.
Affiliation - Formerly Black Glove, Injustice Gang, Injustice League, Joker League of Anarchy
Base of Operations - Gotham City, Arkham Asylum;
The Ha-Hacienda
Citizenship - American
Marital Status - Widowed
Occupation - Professional Criminal
Birthday: 04/01/1940
Who created?
He was created by Jerry Robinson and Bill Finge
How did he become a villain?
His origins are still not clear except the fact that he
fell into a large tank of chemicals which caused oxygen deprivation in his
brain and is responsible for his mental state.He blames Batman for his
condition and madness.
Who was he?
He himself has told many variations about his past life.
One time he says that he prefers a multiple choice option as he remembers his
past life in one way and then the other way. During his stint as ‘The Red Hood’
and committing a robbery he fell into chemical tank in Ace Chemical Processing
Who is he now?
He is notorious among the lot. His entry in Gotham by
killing the television reporter with Joker Venom and then announcing on
television about his plan to execute Henry Calridge the millionaire. He is
successful in his plan as the police and Batman remains mere spectators in his
crime. He is known for murdering thousands of innocent people including police
officers and detectives.
What are his abilities?
1) Strange
physiology - Due the chemical drowning he has a unique physiology compared to a
normal human.
2) Enjoys pain –
his exposure to chemicals has also increased his pain resisting capacity thus
he laughs at being beaten.
3) Toxic immunity – he cannot be harmed by his or other
4) Never die – he was shot point blank, dropped from
heights, electrocuted and been in explosion many times but he never dies and
returns with a bang to create more havoc.
5) Intellect - he has knowledge in chemistry and weaponry
as he makes his explosives.
6) Sharp at point – his is a good marksman with various
arms like throwing cards or grenades.
7) Brilliant planner- he is shown to be perfect with
What are his most notable crimes?
1) Killing batgirl is his notable achievements as he shot
Barbara Gordon in her spine, takes her naked pictures and leaves her crippled
for life; she is now Oracle as she knows everything and is working with Black
2) Robin II or Jason Todd and his mother were killed by
Joker in a bomb explosion.
3) He captures a large number of officers and disguises
as Joker. Their friend’s sniper kills them as they have grudge against the
clown; many officers were killed.
4) Damian Wayne or Bruce Wayne’s son is beaten
into submission by him.
5) He shoots Sarah Essen (Jim Gordon’s ) wife
in presence of infants.
6) He breaks Psimon’s head infront of Clayface
and Two face.
7) He murders Mayor Dickerson and the
Superintendent and several officers.
What are his weapons?
Razor - sharp playing cards, acid flower, guns,
joy buzzer and other types of weapon.
What are his weaknesses?
His unpredictable
nature and mental illness are his weak points. Majority of villains don’t
believe and trust him for this reason.
How does he Transport?
He uses Jokermobile.
Who portrayed him in films?
Batman: The Movie (1966) – played by Cesar
Romero .
Batman (1989) - played by Jack Nicholson and
is revealed that he killed Thomas and Martha Wayne.
The Dark Knight (2008) - Heath Ledger played
Joker. He kills Commissioner Loeb, a judge and Rachel; Harvey becomes Two- face
by the explosion planted by him. He was
given Academy award for Best Supporting Actor in a unanimous decision after his
death for this role.
What are his memorable quotes?
"I believe
that whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you stranger."
"Wanna know
how I got theses scars?"
“Do I look like a
guy with a plan? Do you want to know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars, I
wouldn't know what to do if I caught it! I just do things."
"Y'know what
I noticed ? nobody panics when things go 'according to plan', even if the plan
is horrifying. If tomorrow I told the press that like a gangbanger will get
shot or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics, because it's
'all part of the plan', but if I say one, little old mayor will die well then, everyone loose their
"Why so
"You shot me in the leg! How will I walk...oh, just
like your daughter. Good one, Commissioner! "
"Both of us
trying to find meaning in a meaningless world! Why be disfigured outcast when I
can be a notorious Crime God? Why be an orphaned boy when you can be a
"You can't
kill me without becoming like me! I can't kill you without losing the only
human being who can keep up with me! Isn't it ironic?"
" The real
joke is your stubborn, bone deep conviction that somehow, somewhere, all
of this makes sense! That's what cracks me up each time!"
P.S – Many of
batman’s foes are not there in this list like The Riddler, Catwoman, Penguin,
Mr. Freeze, Mad-
Hatter, Zsasz , Poison Ivy and many more because I feel like these 5 above are
more vicious than any one.

Pretty much figured you were going to use the villains from Nolans movies. Way to be original
ReplyDeleteNolan's movie had many more villains and these guys are shown as dangerous in comics too...
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